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How to Set Up Google CoLab

Google CoLab

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Most, if not all, of my articles regarding how to complete Personal Finance tasks in Python utilize some  type of interactive Python Notebook. To learn the ropes or practice without worrying about setting up your environment then I recommend Google CoLab.

This VERY short but sweet article will help you Set Up Google CoLab quickly.

What is Google CoLab?

Google Co Lab Welcome PageGoogle CoLab, which is short for Colaboratory (a play on Collaborative and Laboratory), is a cloud-based resource provided by google that allows you to execute Python directly within your browser. The key advantages of using such a resource are:

  • The resources (CPU, RAM, Operating System) are provided by Google.
  • Most of the base Python Packages are already installed. The rest can be installed via PIP or CONDA.
  • You can access and run your code from anywhere. (I will often write Machine Learning code on my PC and then execute on my Android Cell Phone when I am out and about.)
  • It’s Free

How Do I Get CoLab 

You can access Google CoLab here. To use the tool, you will need to login with a Gmail or a Google recognized account. From there you are pretty much immediately set up. Below is a very quick YouTube video that goes over how to use CoLab.

Now What?

That’s it. Setting up Google GoLab is that easy. For all the Python projects I present on this blog, this is the tool that I recommend so that you can focus on learning the topic at hand and not how to troubleshoot your Python environment.

Guy Money

As a formally trained Data Scientist I find excitement in writing about Personal Finance and how to view it through a lens filtered by data. I am excited about helping others build financial moats while at the same time helping to make the world a more livable and friendly place.

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